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 Inglés tesauro
sm abbr.
abrev. serviceman; sheet metal; simulator; submissile; sustained medication
abrev., med. symptom
abrev., petról. small
agric. soil moisture
construcc. sea margin (MingNa)
med. systolic murmur
petr. smooth
quím. starting mass (Alexx B)
sm. abbr.
abrev., carg. semi-monthly
polím. small
SM abbr.
abrev. Safety Management; Samoan; Saturday Morning; Service Mark; Simple Majority; Standard Model; Structural Model; Selective mutism (Artjaazz); Memorandum by the Secretary, JCS; Sadism And Masochism; Sadism Masochism; Sado Masochism; Sado Masochistic; Salvage Mechanic; Samsung Motors; sausages and mashed potatoes; Sulzer Medica; Scheduler Message; Score Of Matching; Scripture Mastery; Security Matter; Security Monitor; See Message; Selection Mechanism; Service Mode; Set Mode; Sexual Magic; Shawn Michaels; Side Mounted; Simple Monopoly; Simply Marvelous; Singer Machine; Single Mom; singlemode (Yeldar Azanbayev); Sixteen Millimetre; Small Machine; Smart Modules; smoothing; Software Modem; Solar Modulation; Soldier's Medal; Soling Machine (shoes); Sparse Mode (PIM, Multicast); Spell Menu; St. Marys Railroad Company; Staff Month (20 Days); Stage Manager; Statute Mile; Stephen Marshall; Steven Mead; Stone Mill; Stress Migration; Student Mail; Student Miss; Stupid Mother; Stupid Movement; Sub Manager; Super Mini; Super Mongo; Supreme Master; Switching Module (AT&T 5ESS); Martin steel; Siemens-Martin steel; scientific memorandum; screw motorship; security manuel; selector marker; semi-mobile; semimonthly; senior member; steel-making; surface measure; system manual; session manager; sulfamerazine
abrev., armas. Subcontractor Management
abrev., astron. Structural Model Programme
abrev., automóv. seller's market; serve motor
abrev., avia. Support Media; shared mode; station manager; statute miles; summer; supplementary modes; sales marketing; seal modifications; section manager; section model; self-monitoring; shear modulus; short missile; special machine; special message; splice; squeezing machine; standard microscope; status monitoring; supplier management; system mechanics
abrev., biol. Master of Science
abrev., biot. somatomedin
abrev., cartogr. saw mill
abrev., cienc. surveying and mapping; sampling method; seasonal model; sillimanite; soil mechanics; spectrometer; stable megablocks; super mud; supra-marginal; surface microlayers; susceptibility meter; suspended matter; suspended minerals; sverdrup-munk method
abrev., cient. Sailor Moon; Simple Model
abrev., com. single management; standard memorandum
abrev., comp. Simpson's multipliers
abrev., comp., IT Smart Media
abrev., defens. storage management; super network management
abrev., educ., cient. Supplementary Materials
abrev., electr. safety margin; Schottky barrier type GaAs mixer diode; secondary menu; semiconductor memory; sensory memory; sequential machine; serial mode; server mirroring; service master; service message; service model; session monitor; shell mapping; signal monitor; site manager; sleep mode; software maintenance; solid modeling; source module; standby mode; standby monitor; statistical multiplexer; statistical multiplexing; status manager; stepping motor; stereo microphone; stereomicroscope; stochastic model; stress induced migration; subminiature; sum of squares of mean; supermode (laser); supervision module; surface mounting; switched module; switching module; switching matrix; switch manager; swiveling mirror; synchronous modulation; synchronous monitor; system management; system margin; system measurement; system memory; service module
abrev., escoc. Sandeep Metalcraft Pvt Ltd (India); Simulation Module; Smoke; Special Mission (USA); Svenska Marinen
abrev., espac. San Marco Platform; sandwich moulding; shuttle mission; space medicine; static margin; status modifier; structure model; subsystems module; successor matrix; supply module; synchronous multiplexer
abrev., extens. Script (ScriptMaker); Smalltalk language source code file; Text document (Samna Word)
abrev., farmac. sample manager (самплер (СВЭЖХ) gavsyatina)
abrev., fin. Staff Memorandum
abrev., fotogr. Speed Midget
abrev., geof. speedometer multiplier
abrev., gobiern. single member (igisheva)
abrev., industr. silica modulus
abrev., ingen. stability margin; synchronous machine
abrev., inmunol. smooth muscle
abrev., intel. Selection Matrix; Shape Measure; Simultaneous Masking; Stochastic Match
abrev., IT Shared Memory; Shell Model; System Manager; services mark; storage module
abrev., med. Small Membrane (protein); Suckling Mouse; Smooth Muscle; StrUmpell-Marie (syndrome); Strümpell-Marie (syndrome); Sclerosis multiplex; sadomasochism; shigella mutant
abrev., medic. sensory-motor task
abrev., metal. Siemens-Martin process
abrev., mil. Surface Mount; Survey Methods; System Monitor; Secretary, Joint Staff, memorandum; Service manager; spectrum management
abrev., mil., avia. flight simulator
abrev., minería sales manager
abrev., negoc. salvage money; same; secondary market; Service Module; Shop Manual; standard minute; station master; streptomycin
abrev., perf. starting motor
abrev., petról. surface measurement; sea mark; select magnet; signal meter; silty matrix; soft medium (formations); soft to medium (formations); South Mexico; special material; special method; spectrographic method; spinning machine; spray metal; standard manual; standard meter; static mixer; steam meter; storage modulus; styrene methylmethacrylate (resin); styrene monomer; supramarginal; Sverdrup Munk method; synchronous modem; synchronous motor; synthetic drilling muds
abrev., polím. single-mode (Челядник Евгений)
abrev., polít. San Marino
abrev., prod. Site Management (организация работы производственной площадки Eleanor Rigby)
abrev., progr., IT Storage Manager
abrev., quím., cient. Samarium
abrev., radio statute mile (1,6 км nosov99)
abrev., rar. sole member (igisheva)
abrev., red d. secondary memory; shared memory; Smart Card; security management
abrev., sajal. square meter; steam medium pressure
abrev., sexo y s. sadism & masochism (MichaelBurov)
abrev., softw. search manager (igisheva)
abrev., tec. steam main (Andrey250780); Canadian searchmaster
abrev., textil Small Medium; strict middling; shipment memorandum
abrev., toxic. sterigmatocystin (igisheva)
abrev., ópt. single mode
industr. Saltzmann method; security margin; simplified model; source multiplication
marc. Saama
meteorol. sea mile
mil. sappers and miners; secretary's memorandum; security manual; sergeant-major; service manual; service member; shell model; shelter management; shop maintenance; simulated missile; simulation model; single manager; situation map; soldier's manual; special memorandum; staff memorandum; Standard missile; state militia; storage mark; strategic missile; Submariner; supply manual; support munitions; surface missile; system manager
ofic. Summary
petr. submersible motor
tec. scan mode; scanning mode; scattering matrix; scheduled maintenance; security manager; servomotor; shift manager; shuttle management; signal master; signalman; space mirror; space multiplexing; stationary medium; step motor; stepping motor; studio microphone; submarine; supply and maintenance; supporting members; switch memory
Sm abbr.
abrev., cienc. mean specific heat; smectite; smithsonite; spinel-monticellite rock
industr. allowable stress intensity; mineral sulfur
tec. samarium